Mid-Term & Long-Term Volunteering

Freiwillige in der solidarischen Landwirtschaft in Wales

IBG works together with partner organizations from over 40 countries. We meet regularly in the network of the "ALLIANCE of European Voluntary Service Organisations". We also work with some of these partners in the field of medium and long-term voluntary services.

The “Medium Term Volunteering” and “Long Term Volunteering” projects we place in mainly take place in countries outside of Europe and are completed individually or in small groups of volunteers.

We particularly recommend participating in these projects, which last several months, to all volunteers who have become interested in more through an international workcamp abroad. The application is often uncomplicated and can also be done relatively spontaneously. Intensive individual preparation should nevertheless be planned.

Contact Lukas for more information on current vacancies in your desired country.

General Info

MTV and LTV volunteering projecst last between 3 and 12 months. Some projects are designed for 3 months, e.g. the volunteer projects in South Korean educational and youth institutions, others for 6 or even 12 months. There is also the case where a minimum duration is specified and the total duration of the project is agreed individually between the volunteer and the host organization.

You must be of legal age for all projects. The minimum age can also be higher than 18, e.g. in the USA it is often 21.

We recommend that you have initial experience with volunteer work, such as work camps, before participating in longer voluntary services. In some cases, a certain foreign language level is required or other previous experience in a certain area.

If projects involve the management of (workcamp) groups, appropriate management experience is usually required. In the case of contact with young people or children, a police clearance certificate is usually required.

In addition to online registration via our database, a more detailed “motivation letter” is the norm. In many cases, an online interview follows.

There are organizations that work with application deadlines, but there are also many projects in which places are allocated according to the “first come, first served” principle.

MTV and LTV projects are so-called unregulated voluntary services. This means that they are not subject to any legally regulated support programs (such as the ESK, BFD, FSJ, etc.) and are not financially supported. Basically, we charge a placement fee of 150 €. In addition, the conditions of the projects can be very different:

In some cases, the projects have to be co-financed by a (monthly) financial contribution from the volunteers. Sometimes there are no additional costs. In a few cases, the volunteers can even be paid an expense allowance (e.g. through local funding). Costs for travel, insurance and leisure time are to be borne by yourself.

Calls for Volunteers