Rural community empowerment (Italy)
Rural community empowerment (Italy)
Our colleagues from Lunaria in Italy are organizing a camp in the spring at Rifugio Cognolo, a mountain hut at medium altitude in the heart of the 'Monti Sabini' (Sabine Mountains). You will help maintain the area around the mountain hut. This project is funded as a Volunteering Team through the European Solidarity Corps. This means that as a volunteer in this camp you will receive...
An alternative place in Périgord (France)
An alternative place in Périgord (France)
The 'Ecocycle' association is developing participatory community projects in St. Amand de Coly, France. One of these is a café that is intended to be a meeting place for sharing, receiving, eating out, exchanging knowledge and innovating - a so-called "third place", as community places are called in sociology, which are intended to offer a balance between family life on the one hand and...
Desaster relief Workcamp (Spain)
Desaster relief Workcamp (Spain)
Am 29. und 30. Oktober 2024 verwüsteten Starkregen, Überschwemmungen und Hochwasser die Provinz Valencia in Spanien. Über 200 Menschen kamen dabei nach aktuellem Stand ums Leben. Ziel dieses Workcamps ist es, mit einer Gruppe von 7 bis 9 Freiwilligen täglich in eine der Städte Valencias fahren, um vor Ort Katastrophenschutzteams bei Aufräumarbeiten und dem Wiederaufbau zu unterstützen....
Climate Justice Work Camp (South Africa)
Climate Justice Work Camp (South Africa)
Unsere Kolleg:innen von South Africa Volunteer Work Camp Association (SAVWA) arbeiten in südafrikanischen Gemeinden in Stadt und Land mit lokalen, nationalen, regionalen und internationalen Freiwilligen, um sich gemeinsam für das kulturelle, wirtschaftliche und gesellschaftspolitische Wohlergehen junger Menschen sowie marginalisierter Personen oder Gruppen einzusetzen. Das Climate...
Back to Compost! (France)
Back to Compost! (France)
Nestled in a green valley, the French town of St. Amand de Coly is located in the heart of the Périgord Noir. It is the headquarters of the 'Ecocycle' association, which develops participatory community projects in Saint Amand de Coly and the surrounding area. All of the association's offerings are strongly influenced by concern about climate change and are committed to more climate...
London Green Camp (Great Britain)
London Green Camp (Great Britain)
Spend 10 days in South London supporting conservation work: The London Wildlife Trust is a city conservation organization working to improve London's green spaces for people and wildlife. Together with the Trust you will carry out practical conservation work in the beautiful Sydenham Woods in this workcamp and work together with local volunteers....
Autumn outdoor adventure on the orchard meadow
Autumn outdoor adventure on the orchard meadow
Get involved in the Swabian-Franconian Forest Nature Park and work with us on an orchard! This project is for all adventurers and nature lovers who want to enjoy life in nature in autumn. In October, in the Swabian-Franconian Forest Nature Park, we will help improve the health and lifespan of an orchard with over 100 different fruit trees and contribute to increasing biodiversity. When?...
Illas Cies (Spain)
Illas Cies (Spain)
At the beginning of July, the Galician branch of our partner organization SVI in Spain is organizing a camp on the Illas Cies archipelago. You will help with environmental protection on the islands and help, for example, with maintenance work on an island, fire monitoring, information work and visitor awareness as well as specific work to improve the nature park in cooperation with the...
Permaculture Gardening (South Africa)
Permaculture Gardening (South Africa)
Arbeite mit in Soshanguve, Südafrika, und lerne mehr über Ernährungssicherheit, nachhaltige Landwirtschaft und die Stärkung von Jugendlichen, Frauen und gefährdeten Bevölkerungsgruppen. Konkret werdet ihr einen Garten bewirtschaften, der Kinder des lokalen Gemeindezentrums mit Lebensmitteln versorgt. Dieses Projekt ist gleichzeitig Workcamp und Training zum Thema Permakultur....
Kingu Organic Farm (Estonia)
Kingu Organic Farm (Estonia)
Our colleagues from EstYES in Estonia have been organizing camps with organic farms across Estonia for many years. Kingu farm in southern Estonia is one of these farms. Raspberries, currants, gooseberries, Japanese quince, garlic and rhubarb are grown here in an ecologically sustainable way. Kingu promotes a sustainable lifestyle. This camp is therefore for volunteers who value and...

International Workcamps

In my workcamp, I noticed how many possibilities there are to communicate even if you don't speak the same language.

Participant in a Workcamp in France

What is an international workcamp? In an international workcamp, young people from all over the world come together to work on a voluntary project for 2 to 3 weeks. Various projects in the areas of nature conservation and environmental protection, construction and renovation, archaeological, social or artistic fields offer a wide variety of possible work.

The working time is usually about 30 hours per week. Depending on the project, the group consists of 6 to 20 volunteers of different nationalities. The camp language is usually English, but sometimes also French, Spanish or any other language.

More information on registration, participation and preparation can be found here.

Info about Workcamps 2025

If you would like to be notified as soon as the Workcamp program for this year is published, simply add yourself to our program mailing list:

Find your workcamp now

Here you can search for Workcamps in which there are currently still free places and apply for them, if you are living in Germany (or come from a country in which we have no partner organization).