We use Google AdWords, an online advertising program from Google Inc., on our website. Conversion tracking is also used. With this tool, Google AdWords sets a cookie on your PC when you come to our website via a Google ad. The cookie is no longer valid after 30 days. It does not serve any personal traceability. If you visit our website and the cookie is still working, we and Google will recognize that you clicked on the relevant ad and were redirected to our site. Each Google AdWords customer is assigned a different cookie. Cookies cannot be tracked via the websites of AdWords customers. The data collected through conversion cookies is used to create conversion statistics for AdWords customers. As customers, we find out the total number of users who responded to our ad and were then directed to a website that was provided with a conversion tracking tag. During this process, we do not receive any information with which we could personally identify you as a user.
If you reject the tracking process, the Google conversion tracking cookie can be deactivated via your Internet browser. If necessary, use the browser's help function for further information. You can find more information about Google's data protection regulations at http://www.google.de/policies/privacy/.