
Alliance General Assembly 2023(1)

We organize international Workcamps in Germany. The camps abroad are carried out by local associations and non-profit organizations with which we cooperate.

IBG currently works with partner organizations from over 40 countries. We meet regularly in the network of the ALLIANCE of European Voluntary Service Organizations to prepare and evaluate the camps.

The network has many different working groups and runs campaigns each year to promote key principles such as inclusion, gender equality and sustainability.

Countries and Partners

Our partner organization

In Armenia we cooperate with HUJ, a non-governmental and non-profit youth organization founded in 1965 and based in the Armenian capital Yerevan.

Country info

Armenia forms a fascinating contrast between a barren mountain landscape, a metropolis with flashing neon signs and a great wealth of archaeological and cultural sights. EU citizens no longer need a visa to enter Armenia. Most flights from Germany arrive in Yerevan in the middle of the night (around 4 a.m.).

Our partner organization

Compagnons Batisseurs Belgique (CBB) is based in the French-speaking part of Belgium and was founded in 1953 to help refugees build houses. Today CBB is mainly active in the social sector and youth work. The organization offers preparation days for some projects. Participation in the relevant projects is mandatory and free of charge. Our second partner organization in Belgium is JAVVA (Jeunes Actifs dans le Volontariat et les Voyages Alternatifs). It is based in Brussels, as well as the French-speaking part.


In addition to chocolate, French fries with mussels and all kinds of beer, Belgium also offers you a variety of languages and cultures: the country is officially trilingual. The Flemish north speaks Dutch and the Walloon south speaks French. There is also a German-speaking minority in Wallonia. The capital Brussels is bilingual with French and Dutch. Knowledge of French is therefore recommended in most projects in Belgium - in some it is even a requirement for participation.

Our partner organization

In Denmark we cooperate with MS ActionAid Denmark. The organization was founded in 1944 and has been organizing volunteer projects for over 30 years.


The territory of the Kingdom of Denmark includes not only Denmark and the Faroe Islands, but also Greenland. Work camps also take place there, among other things! The minimum age for participation in Danish workcamps is 18, there is no maximum age. Volunteers with children are welcome. We have received excellent feedback on the Danish projects in recent years. Here you can read what Johnanna did in her camp at Viborg Naturskole in Denmark.

IBG camps in Germany

IBG has been organizing international volunteer services in Germany since 1965. The groups are internationally mixed and the camp language is usually English. A camp in Germany is a great opportunity to get to know your own country from a different perspective and to experience the flair of an international work camp on your doorstep! By the way, the registration fee here is only €48.

Country info

Would you like to rediscover 'your' country together with international volunteers? Anyone who would like to coordinate a camp as a camp leader is also welcome!

Our partner organization

In Estonia we work with ESTYES (EST), a non-profit, non-governmental and non-political youth organization. It was founded in 1991 with the aim of promoting cultural exchange and mutual understanding among young people.

Country info

In Estonia you will find extensive forests, wide dune beaches, 1500 lakes and almost 800 islands. For many Workcamps, our partner organization offers a meeting point in Tallinn. ESTYES also offers several camps in cooperation with privately run organic farms - the commitment of international volunteers on the farms is intended to provide lasting impetus against rural exodus in rural regions. In some cases, it is also part of the farms' tasks to look after nature reserves in the NATURA program.

We place several volunteers in Estonia every year. Katharina was on a farm on the island of Hiiumaa; you can read her report on the camp here. Lisa wrote in a Workcamp on the island of Vormsi supported environmental protection work and Ricarda was in Sänna at Helped to build a cycling and hiking trail.

Our partner organization

ALLIANSSI is an umbrella organization of Finnish youth organizations with approximately 100 member organizations working together in the field of youth and cultural exchange. In addition to conducting seminars and youth exchanges, Allianssi also has a long tradition of organizing international Workcamps. We have received predominantly very positive feedback on the projects from volunteers over the past few years.

Country info

Finland is the least populated country in Europe and is also called "the land of a thousand lakes" because of the countless lakes in the Finnish Lake District. Our partner organization ALLIANSSI has been charging extra fees for participation in camps in Finland since 2015.

Our partner organizations

The Workcamp movement was co-founded in France and traditionally there is the largest selection of projects and providers here. We work with the following French organizations:
Compagnons Batisseurs France (CBF)
Concordia France (CONCF)
Solidarités Jeunesses (SJ)
Association Nationale Etudes et Chantiers (ANEC)

Country info

France is the largest country in Western Europe by area and one of the most popular travel destinations on the European continent. The camps in France are often bilingual, i.e. both English and French are official project languages. Therefore, basic knowledge of French is always helpful for participation, but is usually not a requirement. There are also some purely French-speaking camps on offer; this is noted in the respective project descriptions.

Our partner organization

Workcamps in Greece are organized by ELIX – Conservation Volunteers in Greece. This organization was founded in 1987 with the aim of promoting cooperation between people from different social, cultural and ethnic backgrounds.

Country info

Greece is known for its ancient and medieval sites, as well as the Greek islands, which attract thousands of holidaymakers every year. When taking part in volunteer projects in Greece, you usually have to cover the costs of leisure activities yourself due to the difficult financial situation in Greece.

Our partner organizations

Our long-standing partner organizations, the Welsh Center for International Affairs - WCIA in Wales and Concordia UK in England, have been offering excellently organized volunteering camps for many years. Our partner organization Volunteer Action for Peace (VAP-UK) is also presenting a small program.

Country info

Great Britain includes the territories of England, Scotland and Wales. Unfortunately, due to the poor funding conditions for camps in Great Britain, all British organizations are now dependent on charging an extra fee that goes towards the development and maintenance of their program. If you work in a social project in Great Britain, a legally required police certificate of good conduct is required. It is available from your city or municipal administration and costs around €15.

Please note that you will need a valid passport to enter Great Britain after Brexit - entry with an ID card is no longer possible!

Our volunteer Charlina supported Cymmru Pride at a Workcamp in Wales and learned a lot about the LGBTQ+ movement.

Our partner organizations

Our long-standing Italian partner organizations are Legambiente (LEG), a committed environmental and nature conservation organization, and Lunaria (LUNAR), which are more active in the social and cultural areas, especially in the areas of immigration and commitment against racism and social exclusion.
For several years we have also been working with Youth Action for Peace Italia (CPI) and IBO Italia (IBO-IT).

Country info

With the famous Italian cuisine, 51 UNESCO World Heritage sites, numerous museums, over 7000km of coastline and cities such as Rome, Florence, Naples and Venice, Italy is one of the most popular travel destinations in Europe. International Workcamps have a long tradition in Italy and are characterized by a high level of experience.

Our partner organization

In Iceland we work with SEEDS. The organization was founded in 2005 by a group of former volunteers. In addition to environmental and nature conservation projects, it also runs camps in the areas of culture, festivals and sporting events every year and has been experimenting with a number of new project concepts since 2020, including virtual language and environmental education camps.

While Iceland is one of the least populated countries in the world, SEEDs is one of the largest volunteer hosting organizations in Europe.

Country info

Volcanoes, glaciers, geysers, hot springs, waterfalls, rainbows, black sand beaches, Icelandic horses and loads of sheep - no wonder Iceland attracts many tourists and volunteers every year. The largest volcanic island in the world is located just south of the Arctic Circle and is one of the northernmost inhabited places on earth. The Gulf Stream ensures a relatively mild climate - but you still have to be prepared for everything in summer, from rain, snow or storm to intense sun.

Our partner organization

In Latvia we work with “Jaunatne Smaidam / Youth For Smile”. The organization was founded in 2005 as a non-governmental organization to promote youth work in Latvia.

Country info

The tourist centers of Latvia are the national parks and reserves as well as the old Hanseatic city of Riga. But you can also discover a lot apart from that in the Baltic state. In some camps in Latvia the minimum age is 16 years.

Our partner organization

Our partner in Lithuania is Deineta (CYVA). We have been working successfully with the organization since the early 1990s. Since it does not receive any government support, it charges local volunteers an extra fee.

Country info

Between the Baltic Sea and the Belarusian border you will find wide plains, swamps and dense forests in Lithuania. The projects here are mostly open to volunteers between the ages of 18 and 30.

Our partner organization

The camps in the Netherlands are organized by SIW Internationale Vrjwilligersprojekten (SIW), a non-governmental and non-profit organization for volunteer services founded in 1953. In the Netherlands, SIW is one of the largest organizations organizing international youth projects. SIW's activities are largely coordinated and carried out by volunteers.

Country info

The Netherlands is one of the most densely populated countries and the most urbanized countries in the world. It is also one of the countries in the world where cannabis consumption is tolerated under certain conditions. However, you should not automatically transfer this to your Workcamp: taking drugs of any kind is strictly prohibited in all SIW projects!

Our partner organization

The camps in Austria are organized by the non-profit organization “ Grenzlos” (GL). This politically and religiously independent non-governmental organization emerged from the “ICYE Austria” initiative founded in 1949 and has existed as an independent association since 1970. Its headquarters are in Vienna.

Country info

Over 60 percent of Austria's territory is Alpine high mountains. More than a quarter of the state's population is concentrated in the capital region of Vienna. Although German is the state language of Austria, English is the project language in the camps, just like in all other Workcamps.

Our partner organization

Our long-standing partner organization in Poland is called Stowarzyszenie Promocji Wolontariatu (SPW) and has been continuously organizing camps in Poland since it was founded in 1989. The organisation is very experienced in setting up ambitious and well-organized projects in the social sector.

Country info

In Poland you will find 23 national parks and 13 UNESCO World Heritage sites, including Krakow and Wieliczka, which are among the most protected monuments of humanity. In addition to the cities of Krakow, Gdansk, Warsaw and Wrocław, the Baltic Sea, the Masurian Lake District and the Tatra National Park are definitely worth a visit.

Our partner organization

The camps in Portugal are centrally financed and arranged by the Portuguese Ministry of Youth and Sport IPDJ (Instituto Português do Desporto e Juventude), but are organized by various local initiatives (e.g. from the area of youth work, ecological initiatives, etc.).

Country info

As the westernmost point of continental Europe, Portugal is bordered by Spain to the east and north and the Atlantic Ocean to the west and south. Despite its proximity to Spain: Portuguese is an independent language and not an “offshoot” of Spanish. The project language in all Workcamps is English. There is a strict age limit of 30 years for participants in volunteer projects.

Our partner organization

For several years we have been working very successfully in Serbia with the non-governmental and non-governmental organization Young Researchers of Serbia / Voluntary Service of Serbia (YRS-VSS). The majority of YRS-VSS camps are in the area of environmental and nature conservation. We have received very good feedback from volunteers who have taken part in Serbian Workcamps in recent years.

Country info

Serbia is located in the center of the Balkan Peninsula and, in addition to the large cities of Belgrade and Novi Sad, offers travelers numerous fortresses and monasteries as well as impressive mountains and a multitude of lakes and gorges. Since 2006, German citizens no longer need a passport to enter Serbia; their ID card is sufficient for a visa-free stay.

Our partner organization

Our Slovak partner organization is INEX Slovakia (INEX-SL), a volunteer organization founded in 1993 and based in Bratislava. Their camps take place throughout Slovakia and are particularly suitable for nature lovers.

Country infos

In Slovakia you will find mountains with excellent hiking trails, many beech forests and limestone cliffs. Perfect for anyone who likes to be out in nature. Most camps in Slovakia take place in areas that are sometimes relatively wild and close to nature.

Our partner organizations

In Spain we work with a department of the Ministry of Education (SVI). In the Catalonia region, the camps are offered by local organizations and are coordinated by COCAT. Since 2011 we have also had camps run by the Organization De Amicitia (ESDA) in our program. They are primarily active in the ecological sector.

Country info

With its beaches, the nightlife of the metropolises of Madrid and Barcelona and a great cultural diversity, Spain is now one of the most visited countries in the world. Since many Spanish volunteers usually take part in the Spanish camps and the projects at SVI are even bilingual, we recommend knowledge of Spanish! The maximum age in most SVI and COCAT projects is 30 years, and in some projects even lower. De Amicitia camps have no age restrictions.

Our partner organization

In the Czech Republic we work with our partner organization INEX-SDA. The INEX-SDA camps are located in four different program areas and are often supplemented by a study component. Projects in the first area deal with life in rural regions and take place in cooperation with village communities. Another area of volunteer projects involves the renovation of ancient castles and palaces, often using traditional building methods and experimental archaeology. A third area includes social projects in which you are involved in charitable activities, for example working with disadvantaged children or young people. The fourth area of the INEX-SDA project is primarily about environmental protection, landscape conservation work and sustainability.

Country info

In addition to the metropolis of Prague, which is visited by 20 million tourists every year, you can also discover a lot in the Czech Republic: medieval cities and castles, forests and wine regions, a rock city, and part of the Giant Mountains.

Our partner organizations

The camps in Turkey are carried out by our partner organizations Gönüllü Hizmetler Derneği (GHD) in Istanbul and GSM-Youth Services Center (GSM) in Ankara, two non-governmental youth associations.

Country info

The current Turkish cuisine shows how diverse Turkish culture is: here, the original nomadic cooking traditions of the Turkish tribes mix with Greek, Persian, Kurdish and Arabic cuisine. In the country, part of which lies in Europe, you will find, among other things, 16 UNESCO World Heritage sites and numerous nature reserves. German citizens can enter the country with a valid ID card or passport for up to 90 days.

Our partner organizations

Our partners in Ukraine are called UNION FORUM (UF) and ALTERNATIVE-V (ALT). Both organizations are non-profit and non-governmental.
Due to Russia's war against Ukraine, our partner organizations can currently only work to a very limited extent.

Country info

Ukraine is the second largest country in Europe after Russia, but has so far been little developed for tourism. Here you will find wide plains, wild landscapes and mountains and, in the Carpathians, the last real primeval forests in Europe. A passport is absolutely necessary to enter Ukraine, but EU citizens have no longer had to apply for a visa since 2006. You should take out your own international health insurance.

Due to the current situation in Ukraine, our two partner organizations there can only organize Workcamps sporadically. In order to support our Ukrainian partners in this difficult situation, IBG is waiving the usual placement fee of €150 and instead passes this on as a donation to the respective organization.

Our partner organization

For several years we have been working successfully in Hungary with the Egyesek Youth Organization, an organization of active young people, volunteers, youth workers and trainers that emerged from an informal youth initiative.

Country info

In addition to the metropolis of Budapest and Lake Balaton, in Hungary you will find the grassy plains of the Puszta, 11 national parks and hundreds of nature reserves. In addition to Finnish, Hungarian is another language of Europe that belongs to the Finno-Ugric language family and has no similarities with the other European languages. However, knowledge of Hungarian is not necessary to participate in projects!

Our partner organization

We have been cooperating with the South Africa Volunteer Work Camp Association (SAVWA) in South Africa since 2020. During the pandemic we worked together on virtual camps. Since 2024 you can also find camps in South Africa in our Workcamp program.

SAVWA is a non-profit organization that has been organizing international volunteering projects in South Africa since 2012. SAVWA's work focuses on the development of South African communities both urban and rural, the cultural, economic and socio-political well-being of young people and marginalized people, empowerment, gender equality and the promotion of sustainable development.

Country info

South Africa is the southernmost country on the African continent. Here you will find deserts, savannas, bushland, rainforests, lagoons, vineyards, low and high mountainranges as well as more than 2,000 kilometers of coastline with countless beautiful beaches. Two oceans meet in the metropolis of Cape Town and the Cape of Good Hope rises out of the sea in the middle.

Culturally, South Africa is at least as diverse. In total there are 11 official national languages here, other languages are spoken by smaller groups, mainly Khoisan languages. In addition to their native language, almost all South Africans also speak English, which acts as a lingua franca in everyday life, education and politics.

Travelers from EU countries currently do not need a visa to enter South Africa: stays of up to 90 days are visa-free.

Our partner organization

The organization Asociación Costaricense de Interculturalidad (ACI) has been offering international Workcamps since 2014. As part of the international ICYE network, ACI has decades of experience in exchanging volunteers in the field of long-term volunteer services.

Country info

Costa Rica is known for its biodiversity. Here you will find, among other things, mangroves and wetlands, rain, cloud and dry forests as well as the páramo, an alpine plateau at an altitude of over 3,000 meters. Many of our partners' projects in Costa Rica therefore also deal with the areas of environmental protection and sustainability. ACI's camps begin on the first day of camp with an "Orientation Process" in San José. The meeting point is at 8 a.m. in front of the National Theater, so you should definitely arrive in good time. We strongly recommend knowledge of Spanish!

Our partner organization

We have been providing places in camps of our partner organization Chantiers Jeunesse (CJ) in French-speaking Quebec since 1996. CJ's Workcamps are bilingual English and French, with English predominating. A special feature of CJ's camps since 2018 is that two thirds of the participants are Canadian volunteers and a third are international volunteers.

Country info

Canada is the second largest country in the world in terms of area and is characterized by breathtaking nature, considerable distances and cultural and linguistic diversity. The projects of our partner organization take place in the east of the country. Special features of the Canadian Workcamps: In the afternoon before the camp starts, all participants meet in a bar in Montreal to get to know each other. So it's worth arriving a day earlier.

For the camp stay in Quebec, a temporary work permit is generally required, which must be applied for in Germany. (The only exception: volunteers who already have a "study permit" for Canada.) It can take up to 8 weeks until the permit is issued. You should therefore register early enough. Since 2016, volunteers have been able to apply for a work permit for charitable work, which is exempt from costs!

Our partner organization

We have been cooperating with WeCollab in Colombia since 2021. The organization's main goal is to promote cultural exchange opportunities at national and international levels through volunteer programs. There is often an additional on-site fee for the Colombian camps.

Country info

Colombia, at the northern tip of South America, is one of the countries with the greatest diversity of plant and animal species and has many different climate zones. From the lost city of 'Ciudad Perdida' in the middle of the jungle, to the Serranía de la Macarena National Park, where the Amazon rainforest meets the Andean mountains and wet savannah, to the Caribbean coast and the cities of Cartagena, Medellín and Bogotá - the country is good To get to know the country, you should plan a longer stay. In order to get along well outside of a camp, knowledge of Spanish is definitely an advantage.

To enter Colombia, all travelers must fill out an immigration pre-check-in form on the Check-Mig app or on the Migración Colombia website.

Our partner organizations

The Workcamps in Mexico are organized by our longstanding Mexican partner organizations VIMEX, AMVIAC and Vive Mexico. In many cases, VIMEX and Vive Mexico offer volunteers the opportunity to take a Spanish course directly before attending one of the camps.

Country info

From desert landscapes in the north to rainforests in the south, Mexico has a wide variety of climate zones, as well as an incredible diversity of cultures and languages. A fair amount of flexibility is also required for the projects in Mexico. Openness to foreign cultures and the ability to adapt to rhythms and lifestyles are part of it. Basic knowledge of Spanish is a prerequisite for participation in most projects.

Our partner organization

Since 2012 we send volunteers to projects of the Brigada de Voluntarios Bolivarianos del Peru (BVBP). The national youth organization, founded in 1982, is based in Lima and has regional branches in many parts of Peru.

Country info

With historic ruins such as the Machu Picchu, dense jungle, colonial cities and stunning scenery, Peru is one of South America's most diverse countries. Accordingly, a considerable amount of flexibility is required for the projects in Peru. Openness to foreign cultures as well as the ability to adapt to rhythm and lifestyle belong to it. Spanish is a prerequisite for participation in most cases. We also encourage you to attend one of our preparatory events. You should take care of your own health insurance for all projects in Peru!

Our partner organization

In the USA, the volunteering camps are organized by Volunteers for Peace (VfP). At VfP you have to fill out a special form (VfP motivation form) for some camps.

Country info

Just like the diverse landscapes, you will also find a variety of ethnic influences and traditions in the USA. The United States of America is the third largest country in the world. If you take part in a volunteering project here, in most cases you should expect a full day of travel from the airport to the work camp. Arrival should not be after 6:00 p.m. on the first day of camp. An earlier departure from the project is also expressly undesirable. Remember that in the US you must be at least 21 years old to drink alcohol. In many projects, cigarettes and alcohol are generally prohibited.

Our partner organizations

The Chinese Society of Education Training Center (CSETC) wurde 2006 gegründet und organisert Freiwilligendienstprogramme in China zu den Themen Geschlechtergerechtigkeit, Erhaltung von Weltkulturerbe und Bildung durch kulturellen Austausch. DreamWalker China gibt es seit 2013. Unterstützt durch NICE, unserer japanische Partnerorganisation, bieten sie ebenfalls ein kleines Workcampprogramm.


Die Volksrepublik China ist das bevölkerungsreichste Land der Welt und blickt auf eine 4000-jährige Geschichte zurück. Über 50 verschiedene Volksgruppen prägen die Kultur des Landes. Für die Einreise nach China ist ein Visum erforderlich. Die Beantragung und Abholung muss persönlich erfolgen und es ist ein mindestens 6 Monate gültiger Reisepass erforderlich. Die Bearbeitungszeit beträgt etwa 14 Tage.

Our partner organization

Seit 2011 kooperieren wir mit VolTra, einer gemeinützige Nicht-Regierungs-Organisation in Hong Kong, die 2009 gegründet wurde. Sie organisiert Freiwilligendienste für lokale wie auch für internationale Teilnehmende.


In Hong Kong leben fast 8 Millionen Menschen, hauptsächlich in Kowloon und im Norden von Hong Kong Island. Die New Territories sowie die übrigen Inseln sind nur wenig und teilweise gar nicht besiedelt. Viele Projekte unserer Partner finden außerhalb der Stadtzentren statt. Im Sommer ist es hier sehr feucht und heiß, im Winter dagegen trocken und mild. Für die Einreise nach Hong Kong ist ein Visum erforderlich. Die Beantragung und Abholung muss persönlich erfolgen und es ist ein mindestens 6 Monate gültiger Reisepass erforderlich. Die Bearbeitungszeit beträgt etwa 14 Tage.

Our partner organizations

Rural Centre for Human Interests (RUCHI) wurde 1983 als nicht-politische, nicht-profitorientierte Freiwilligendienstorganisation gegründet. RUCHI ist Mitglied im asiatischen Netzwerk von Freiwilligendienstorganisationen NVDA (Network for Voluntary Development in Asia), im „Coordinating Commitee for International Voluntary Service" (CCIVS) der UNESCO und Partner in der „ALLIANCE of European Voluntary Service Organisations". Seit 2017 kooperieren wir mit RUCHI. Die Organisation hat ihren Hauptsitz in dem kleinen Bergdorf Bandh und arbeitet hauptsächlich in den Distrikten Solan und Sirmour im Bundesstaat Himachal Pradeshim im Norden Indiens. Seit 2018 kooperieren wir auch mit FSL India (Field Services and Intercultural Learning India). Die Organisation wurde 2000 gegründet und organisiert sowohl Workcamps, als auch längere Freiwilligendienste. Der Hauptsitz von FSL befindet sich in Bangalore; weitere Niederlassungen gibt es in Karnataka (Mysore and Kundapur), Tamil Nadu (Chennai) und Pondicherry.


Die indische Geschichte ist eine der längsten der Welt. Die kulturelle Vielfalt des Landes zeigt sich in seinen Sprachen: In Indien werden mehr als 1.600 Sprachen gesprochen. Die Workcamps in Indien finden größtenteils im gebirgigen Norden des Landes statt. Für die Einreise nach Indien benötigt ihr ein Visum und einen Reisepass, der noch mindestens 6 Monate gültig ist.

Our partner organization

Workcamps in Indonesien werden von unseren Partnerorganisationen IIWC, Dejavato Foundation und seit 2016 auch von GREAT Indonesia durchgeführt. Die Organisationen haben ihren Sitz auf der Insel Java, wo auch ein Großteil der Camps stattfindet. Bei allen Organisationen wird vor Ort eine Extra-Gebühr fällig, worüber sowohl die Workcamps, als auch die Organisationen selbst finanziert werden.


Indonesien ist über unzählige Inseln verteilt. Die Teilnahme an einem Workcamp in Indonesien bedeutet das Eintauchen in eine ganz andere Kultur. Eigenschaften wie Flexibilität, Offenheit, Anpassungsfähigkeit, Improvisations- und Kommunikationsvermögen sind für die Projektteilnahme unabdingbar. Die Einsatzorte verfügen häufig nicht über die größeren (und kleineren) Errungenschaften deiner gewohnten Umgebung. Du solltest dich daher an die örtlichen Lebensbedingungen anpassen können. Der Konsum von Alkohol ist in vielen Projekten untersagt. Für die Einreise nach Indonesien ist ein Visum erforderlich. Du bekommst ein on-arrival Visa am Flughafen, welches für 30 Tage gültig ist. Um Versicherungsschutz solltest du dich selbst kümmern.

Our partner organization

In Japan arbeiten wir seit langem mit der 1991 gegründeten Organisation NICE (Never-ending International Volunteer Exchange) zusammen. Die Camps zeichnen sich durch sorgfältige Vorbereitung und hervorragende Betreuung aus.


Japan setzt sich aus über 3000 Inseln zusammen und bietet jeden Menge Kontraste und Gegensätze. Hier findet ihr hochmoderne und technisierte Städte und uralte Holzhütten, traditionelle Tempel neben Designerwohnungen. Unsere Kolleg:innen in Japan kennen die Projektorte und die lokalen Projektpartner:innen sehr gut und besuchen sie regelmäßig. Vor allem in ländlichen Gegenden empfiehlt es sich, ein paar japanische Wörter im Gepäck zu haben.

Our partner organization

Our Japanese partner organization Never-ending International Workcamp Exchange (NICE) has also been organizing camps in Malaysia for several years. The majority of the projects deal with agricultural or social work. For most projects there is an extra fee that makes the organization possible.

Country info

Malaysia is a diverse country with populations with a wide variety of languages, religions and ethnic roots. About 50% of the population belongs to the Malay Muslim group.

In Malaysia you will find mosques, historic temples and the modern skyscrapers of the capital Kuala Lumpur, but also the traditional way of life of the indigenous people of Borneo, wide beaches, underwater worlds, jungles and wild mountain regions.

Our partner organization

In der Mongolei werden internationale Workcamps von unserer Partnerorganisation Mongolian Camp Exchange (MCE) angeboten. Zur Finanzierung der Projekte wird vor Ort eine Extra-Gebühr erhoben, welche direkt nach deiner Ankunft beglichen werden sollte. Wir haben sehr positive Berichte von Teilnehmenden an mongolischen Workcamps bekommen.


Ulaanbaatar, die Hauptstadt der Mongolei, zählt knapp eine Million Einwohner, und ist wohl die einzige Stadt im Land die dem Begriff einer Großstadt im westlichen Sinne entspricht. Außerhalb von Ulaanbaatar gibt es Wüsten, Gebirge, Seen und Gletscher zu entdecken. Die Mongolei ist etwas für alle, die mal was ganz Anderes sehen möchten und auch mit sehr einfachen Lebensbedingungen zurechtkommen. Die Mongolei ist per Flugzeug aber auch mit der Transsibirischen Eisenbahn zu erreichen. Wir empfehlen dringend den Abschluss einer eigenen Auslandskrankenversicherung.

Our partner organization

In Nepal werden internationale Workcamps von unserer Partnerorganisation Volunteers Initiative Nepal (VIN) angeboten, mit der wir seit 2017 kooperieren. Zur Finanzierung der Projekte wird vor Ort meist eine Extra-Gebühr erhoben.

Country info

Inmitten des Himalayas gelegen ist Nepal das höchste Land der Welt. Im Norden liegt ein großer Teil des Gebirges, wo du unter anderem den Mount Everest findest, dessen Gipfel den höchsten Punkt der Erde darstellt, sowie sieben weitere der zehn höchsten Berge der Erde.

Offiziell ist Nepal ein hinduistisches Land – rund 80% der Nepales:innen sagen von sich, dass sie hinduistisch sind. Der Buddhismus spielt allerdings ebenfalls eine wichtige Rolle in Nepal. Die Verbindung mit der Religion ist an vielen Stellen im Alltag sichtbar; es gibt zahlreiche Tempel, Schreine und Statuen, und viele Menschen tragen religiöse Amulette oder Tikas (rote Male auf der Stirn).

Gut zu wissen: Die linke Hand gilt in Nepal, wie in den meisten anderen asiatischen Ländern auch, als unrein; man sollte es also vermeiden, mit der linken Hand eine andere Person zu berühren oder Dinge mit links zu überreichen. Ebenso gelten Füße als unrein.

Our partner organization

In Südkorea arbeiten wir mit der 1999 gegründeten Organisation IWO (International Workcamp Organisation) zusammen. Die Workcamps in Südkorea sind gut organisiert und ermöglichen das Eintauchen in eine ganz andere Kultur. In den meisten Projekten nehmen auch einheimische Freiwillige teil.


Neben den Metropolen Seoul und Busan findet ihr in Südkorea buddhistischen Tempelanlagen, historische Stätten, Inseln und malerische Gebirge und Bergwälder. Die Teilnahme an einem Workcamp in Südkorea bietet euch eine tolle Gelegenheit eine ganz andere Kultur kennen zu lernen. Unabhängig vom Projektort empfehlen wir euch die Anreise zum Incheon International Airport. Von dort stehen zahlreiche öffentliche Transportmöglichkeiten zur Verfügung. Eine extra Auslandskrankenversicherung ist empfehlenswert.

Our partner organization

Unsere Partnerorganisation für Workcamps in Taiwan heißt Vision Youth Action (VYA), und wurde 2002 von jungen Freiwilligen eines bilateralen Austauschprojektes zwischen Taiwan und den USA gegründet. Neben regionalen Freiwilligeneinsätzen organisiert VYA seit 2007 (am Anfang in Kooperation mit unserer japanischen Partnerorganisation NICE) internationale Workcamps in Taiwan und baut das Campangebot aufgrund der positiven Erfahrungen der letzten Jahren immer weiter aus. In allen Projekten nehmen auch lokale Freiwillige teil.


In Taiwan findet ihr Kontraste zwischen Moderne und Tradition. Die Kultur in Taiwan ist chinesisch geprägt, es finden sich aber auch starke japanische sowie einige US-amerikanische Einflüsse. Die sehr gute Infrastruktur und eine generelle Aufgeschlossenheit gegenüber Touristen machen das Reisen in Taiwan auch für Freiwillige mit wenig Erfahrung in Asien relativ einfach. Die taiwanesischen Projektausschreibungen sind manchmal nicht ganz einfach zu verstehen. Wir senden auf Anfrage gerne ausführlichere Ausschreibungen und weitere Fotos zu, die es leichter machen, sich ein Bild von den Projekten zu machen.

Our partner organization

Seit 2007 arbeiten wir mit Volunteers for Peace Vietnam (VPV) zusammen. Die Organisation richtet seit mehreren Jahren Langzeitfreiwilligendienste aus und kann daher schon auf wertvolle Erfahrungen für die Organisation von Workcamps zurückgreifen.


Vietnam bietet euch neben Ho-Chi-Minh-Stadt und Hanoi auch malerische Gegenden wie das Mekong-Delta, die Dörfer der Bergvölker in Sapa oder die Halong-Bucht, die mit ihren bizarren Felsformationen und einigen tausend Inseln UNESCO Weltnaturerbe ist. Für die Einreise nach Vietnam wird ein Visum benötigt. Wir empfehlen den Abschluss einer Auslandskrankenversicherung. Vorerfahrungen mit Workcamps und / oder Südostasien sind sinnvoll, aber nicht unbedingt notwendig. Wir empfehlen weniger erfahrenen Freiwilligen die Teilnahme an unseren Vorbereitungsveranstaltungen.

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