International Trainings in Germany and Abroad

You are looking for further experience in international volunteering? You would like to work on topics such as sustainability, migration, intercultural learning or inclusion in an international group? We have places in international trainings, seminars and further education programs in Germany and abroad every year. In most cases, English is the working language and often there is a reimbursement for travel expenses under the ERASMUS + program.

Erasmus+ Training in France: Food & Social Transformation
Erasmus+ Training in France: Food & Social Transformation
Gender, ecology, diversity: nutrition is at the heart of many societal issues. In November, our colleagues from Solidarités Jeunesses are organizing a training on nutrition and social change. When? November 4-8, 2024 (travel days included) You should arrive on November 4 in the evening and leave on November 7 in the evening or November 8 in the morning. A meeting point will be organized...

Training Reports

Would you like to know what topics our volunteers have dealt with in previous training courses and what they have learnt? Here you can find some reports on different international trainings.

Report: 'Europe à Table' (France)
Report: 'Europe à Table' (France)
The Erasmus+ training course 'Europe à Table' (EAT) was all about food and sustainability. Production, purchasing, consumption and disposal of food - all of this can have a greater or lesser impact on the climate and the environment. In this training, ideas for action should be found together. The training was organized by our partner organization Concordia Rhône-Alpes in the...
Report: Rooting for Change (France)
Report: Rooting for Change (France)
Erasmus + training in the French Pyrenees on permaculture Sustainability is a huge goal that we want to achieve. What can we do as volunteers and as citizens? How can we create the change that makes the world a better place? These questions were the subject of the 'Rooting for Change' training from August 12 to 28, 2021.Three of our volunteers were guests of our partner organization...
P.R.O.U.D. - Promoting Rights and Opportunities to Understand Diversity
P.R.O.U.D. - Promoting Rights and Opportunities to Understand Diversity
How equal are we in international workcamps? International workcamps are open for all, regardless of origin, gender, sexuality, cultural and social background, economic position, education, religion and beliefs, physical and health conditions, and/or disabilities. Workcamps are a place to share experience, gain new skills and meet people from different backgrounds. Everyone who has...
Report: Peace Action Week – ReMaking Change Happen (Greece)
Report: Peace Action Week – ReMaking Change Happen (Greece)
The Erasmus+ training course Peace Action Week in Greece dealt with human rights and peace issues, especially with regard to the rights of migrants and refugees. Katharina, Louise and Martine joined the training in Athens during the Global Human Rights Week in October 2019 on behalf of IBG and together with the other participants thought about actions on the topics of human rights and...
Report: Media Training Share & Promote
Report: Media Training Share & Promote
The training course “Share & Promote - Media and Campaigning for Volunteering” took place in a house in the middle of the forest in Grasellenbach in southern Hesse from October 4th to 6th. There were a total of 20 people, including enthusiastic work camp participants, active volunteers and experienced group leaders, as well as employees from various German work camp organizations. The...
Report: My Vote - My Impact. Europe Behind the Scenes.
Report: My Vote - My Impact. Europe Behind the Scenes.
"This time I'm voting. Diesmal wähle ich, weil ..." Ja, warum eigentlich? Die bevorstehenden Europawahlen am 26. Mai diesen Jahres machen nachdenklich. Rechtsrücke, Brexit, Finanzkrisen. Was bringt uns die EU eigentlich? Wie beeinflusst sie unser tägliches Leben und unsere Zukunft? Um herauszufinden, was die EU für mich und andere EU-Bürgerinnen und Bürger bedeutet, machte ich mich...
Bericht: Let's learn and build together!
Bericht: Let's learn and build together!
"Let's learn and build together" war das Motto des Trainings, das unsere Partner von Solidarités Jeunesses im November im Maison des Bateleurs in Montendre bei Bordeaux organisiert haben. Was dort in einer Woche zusammen gelernt und gebaut werden sollte: Tolle Erasmus+ Projekte. Das Training zielte darauf ab, Mitarbeitende und Freiwillige verschiedener internationaler...
Bericht: Crossing Paths - Driving Change
Bericht: Crossing Paths - Driving Change
Im Juli waren unsere Freiwilligen Lisa, Jannika und Marie beim Training “Crossing Paths – Driving Change”, einem Training für Jugendarbeiter*innen zu den Themen Mobilisierung von Jugendlichen, Nachhaltigkeit im Alltag und Umweltschutz, organisiert von Generation Earth und gefördert durch Erasmus+. 25 Menschen aus 10 Ländern. 10 gemeinsame Tage auf dem LebensGut Miteinander in...
Report: Training Course Ready Steady Go!
Report: Training Course Ready Steady Go!
Ready, steady, go! Training zu Methoden zu Planung, Durchführung und Betreuung inklusiver Freiwilligenprojekte „Ich kann das gewonnene Wissen in Workshops mit Menschen mit Behinderungen einsetzen. Darüber hinaus versuche ich jetzt nachdrücklich, Berichte und Informationen in der Öffentlichkeit umfassender zu erstellen.