10. November 2020

100 Years Anniversary Virtual Camp

IBG's European Solidarity Corps volunteer Adam and intern Udit have been busy with a special virtual camp in the past weeks: In the virtual workcamp "100 Years Anniversary Virtual Camp" an international group is meeting regularly to discuss how workcamps have affected individuals and local communities and what the future of workcamps could be. Here, Adam and Udit are giving you a short update on how the virtual project is going:

"We have been having our 100 Years Anniversary Virtual Camp sessions for the past few weeks now.

Our first session was two weeks ago, and since then we have had many interesting discussions. The participants are from all over Europe and further; we are from Spain, Belgium, Serbia, Finland, Lebanon, Russia, India and Great Britain. Our discussions have focused on our collective experiences with workcamps, answering questions such as how they have influenced our own lives and how they may influence the lives of the communities in which we do work.

In our next sessions we will start focusing more on wider topics, such as the global impacts of workcamps as well as what are potentially new areas in which workcamps could have an influence in the future.

Some of the best moments of the camp have been hearing stories of people’s experiences on workcamps. Some stories are really heart-warming and beautiful whilst others are a bit sadder, but show areas in which workcamps can still have a positive impact, even when things go a bit wrong."

(Adam & Udit, volunteers and group leaders)

The ultimate goal of the group will be to produce a video together that can be presented at events and conferences marking the 100th anniversary of the workcamps. Stay tuned for more updates here or on the IBG social media channels.

Interested in joining the discussion but missed your chance to be part of this virtual camp? Even with all live events cancelled, we will look back on 100 years of workcamps. And you can participate in three activities to share your experience.