23. April 2021

Virtual Camp: How to make a good Podcast

An interim report

Since the beginning of April, our group leaders Adam and Taha have been meeting a group of volunteers from all over the world online to talk about podcasts. In this virtual camp, which the two of them designed and planned together, so far everything revolved around the question of how to create good podcasts.

Here, Adam tells you what has happened in the camp so far and what plans the group has:

"The Podcast Virtual camp so far has been very successful. We have talked about how you might plan and structure a podcast, what programs you could use and what platforms you could upload a podcast to. So far it has been really enjoyable with everyone trying their best to take part and to interact with one another.

Many of the participants already have ideas for what kinds of podcast they would like to produce. A few of them want to put together a podcast on personal well-being, talking about how to lead a healthy lifestyle and how to plan your week to maintain this lifestyle.

For the rest of the camp we would like to start planning a podcast together, something that we could record in smaller groups and all together get some practical experience making a podcast.

We hope that we will give the participants the skills to produce podcasts of their own and in some way even make more people aware of podcasting."

More virtual camps

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