22. February 2024

Mirror Mirror on the Wall (France)

Join a Workcamp in the renovation of an international center in France.

In the small village of Laguépie in southern France, the center 'Citrus' is a place of exchange and encounter where young people from all over the world come together for Workcamps, longer voluntary services or international training. Since 2012 there have been offices, communal living space and a seminar room here, all surrounded by fields, an outdoor theater and a vegetable garden.

International volunteers have been building, renovating, inventing and designing the international center for over 10 years. It never gets boring here! Spend two unforgettable weeks in this camp and bring Citrus to life with your creations.


June 15-30, 2024

The project

To make the center more inviting and, above all, to protect certain areas from the summer heat, start by building a shady area in the garden. You also have the opportunity to familiarize yourself with the garden, its vegetables and herbs and to put your green thumb to use.

Finally, weather permitting, you'll get into low-tech tool making and start making wooden games - the big project that will keep kids busy at summer camps in July.

As part of this project, you will also help set up a “self-care” area that complements the facilities already available on site. Mainly you build dry toilets, sinks and mirrors for beauty moments!

You will be accommodated in single-sex communal tents for 8 to 12 people with floors and beds.

There are dry toilets and solar-powered showers on site. A pedal washing machine is available for laundry. We cook, clean and tidy up together. Attention: There is no WiFi connection here.

Apply now!

We still have a few places available for volunteers from Germany, so register now to take part in this camp.

Lukas will be happy to answer any questions you may have about the camp in France and other camps abroad:

Email: outgoing@ibg-workcamps.org
Telephone: +49 6022 279 38 51