Let's take action for climate protection - volunteering for forests and peatlands

Become active in climate protection through international Workcamps!

In our camps, in trainings and seminars and in the team, we are particularly concerned with the topic of climate protection in forests and bogs.

Why this topic?

In Germany alone, forests absorb many millions of tons of CO2 from the atmosphere every year. With the restoration and sustainable management of the forests, we can therefore take action against several problems of the climate crisis. Read more about why forests are so important to us all here.

Peatlands currently bind almost twice as much CO2 as all forest areas worldwide. In addition to the emission of CO2, drained peatlands also mean that special habitat for rare animal and plant species disappear.

Good reasons to make the protection of forests and wetlands one of our key topics. No matter how often or how long you have been active with IBG - we look forward to every motivated person who would like to support us.

How to get active with us

Help us rewet the high bogs in the Hunsrück National Park, support a forest agriculture project or take action against invasive plants in the Black Forest.

You can also take part in environmental protection camps abroad through our partner organizations: work on clean-ups on the beaches of Denmark, Italy or Iceland, support reforestation campaigns in Mongolia or learn new practical skills in a camp on an organic farm in Estonia.

Find more information about Workcamps in the field of environmental and climate protection here.

News and current projects

Why are bogs important for climate protection?
Why are bogs important for climate protection?
Environmental protection in peatlands and bogs The landscape of the Hunsrück-Hochwald National Park is characterized by huge forests, steep hills, small streams and ponds, rocks and swamps. A perfect home for many rare animal and plant species, but also a great area for hiking. The national park was founded in 2015 and is home not only to wolves, moufflons and the rare wildcats, but...
Earth Day 2024
Earth Day 2024
The international Earth Day takes place on April 22nd. Earth Day has been celebrated at the end of April for 51 years. Protecting the environment is important every day of the year. But April 22 is used as a day of action to specifically point out a more environmentally conscious and sustainable way of life. This year, the campaigns under the motto "Water for Peace" are about how water...
How to travel more sustainably
How to travel more sustainably
Within our network, the Alliance of European Voluntary Service Organizations, more than 20,000 volunteers travel to international Workcamps around the world every year. This exchange often has many positive effects on the volunteers, and also on the local communities and organisations which are involved in organising the projects.At the same time, participating in an international...
International Forest Day - how you can get active
International Forest Day - how you can get active
Rainforest, coniferous or mixed forests - around 30% of the land area on our earth is covered by forests. But this area is getting smaller and smaller. Every year we lose 10 million hectares of forest worldwide - an area about the size of Iceland. Forests are crucial for our health and for climate protection. Forests provide us with a variety of raw materials that we use in paper, wood...
How can we protect the forest?
How can we protect the forest?
What do we need the forest for? What do you think of when you think of the forest? Fresh air, relaxation, cross-country skiing and relaxing walks? Germany is one of the most densely forested countries in Europe. Forests are a special place for relaxation and leisure for many of us. And of course habitat for many animal and plant species. But only a fraction of the forest area in Germany...
What Does Climate Protection Have To Do With Social Justice?
What Does Climate Protection Have To Do With Social Justice?
February 20th is the World Day of Social Justice. The aim of this day is to draw attention to inequality and to work for a diverse society in which there are fairly distributed opportunities, living conditions and respect for everyone. Poverty, exclusion, discrimination or racism are just a few examples of how differently the chances of a healthy and happy life are distributed. "Ok,"...
World Wetland Day
World Wetland Day
On February 2, 1971, the international Convention on Wetlands was signed in the Iranian city of Ramsar. As of 1997, February 2nd is therefore an official international day of the United Nations as World Wetlands Day. The World Wetlands Day aims to raise global awareness of the vital role wetlands play for the earth and for us humans. This year's campaign focuses on wetlands and human...
Workshop concept: 'Plastic in everyday life and in nature'
Workshop concept: 'Plastic in everyday life and in nature'
Would you like to work on and discuss about the topic of plastic (waste) in your Workcamp? Maike is studying environmental education and, as part of her final thesis, dealt with the topic of environmental education in international groups. She created a workshop concept on the subject 'Plastic in everyday life and in nature' and shared it with IBG. Workshop goals The aims of the...
German Overshoot Day 2023
German Overshoot Day 2023
May 4th is "German Overshoot Day" - the day of the year on which we used up all the ecological resources of the year. Earth Overshoot Day means that whatever resources we use after that day is beyond what our Earth can regenerate that year. Actually, this day should therefore of course be at the end of a respective year or later. According to the calculations of the Global Footprint...
Sustainable Food - Tools & Methods
Sustainable Food - Tools & Methods
What does our diet have to do with the climate? The Erasmus+ training 'Europe à Table' in June this year dealt with the topic of food and climate. Felix joined the training in France for IBG. You can find his full report here.During the training, the group dealt with the current system of food production, global injustices in the distribution of food, markets and healthy and sustainable...
7 Reasons for Eating Less Meat
7 Reasons for Eating Less Meat
If you've been to one of our trainings or seminars, you may have noticed that food at IBG events is mostly vegan. You wonder why? Here are 7 reasons why we want to consume less meat: 1. Deforestation of the rainforest Our diet has a greater impact on the global climate than you might think. In South America alone, 40 percent of the rainforest was cleared for pasture land and growing...
IBG Green Box - Toolbox
IBG Green Box - Toolbox
Are you still looking for games, methods and activities related to nature conservation for your workcamp? Maike is studying environmental education and has created a toolbox with various environmental education methods with us over the past few months during her practical semester. Whether it's an icebreaker, energizer, excursion idea or DIY workshop - you'll find plenty of ideas and...
Why is biodiversity important?
Why is biodiversity important?
If you are interested in environmental action and climate protection, you have probably come across the term 'biodiversity' before. Biodiversity means, on the one hand, species diversity, i.e. the diversity of plant and animal species. But also that there is genetic diversity within a species. A third aspect is biologically diverse habitats, i.e. different ecosystems, such as forests,...
Why we are committed to protecting capercaillie in the Black Forest
Why we are committed to protecting capercaillie in the Black Forest
Have you ever seen a capercaillie in the wild? Probably not, because the big bird, the largest gallinaceous bird in Europe, is not only very shy, but also threatened with extinction in Germany and Central Europe. The natural habitat of birds has become smaller and smaller in recent years. Nature conservationists try to breed them and release them into the wild, but numbers of the...