Are you interested in nature protection and international voluntary service? Would you like to lead an international Workcamp in an environmental protection project yourself? Then join us in the Erasmus+ training course "Group Leading in Environmental Projects", which we are organizing in May 2025.
April 30th-05th May 2025
The training takes place in the Jugendbildungswerkstatt in Kell am See (near Trier).
The group house in Kell am See is wheelchair accessible. Please contact us in advance, however, if you are a wheelchair user so that we can plan excursions, activities and pick-ups accordingly.
What is this training about?
The main question of this training is: How do I lead an international group? We will have workshops on group processes, how to deal with conflicts and your individual leadership style. In addition, we will discuss topics such as environmental education, ecological sustainability and climate justice, as well as many practical tips and tricks for organization and everyday life with larger groups.
Here you will get to know other motivated volunteers who would also like to lead Workcamps in nature protection, as well as the people behind IBG. Experienced team leaders give you insights into 'their' Workcamps and tell how they overcame challenges or conflicts. The training is primarily intended for prospective Workcamp leaders.
Reimbursement of travel costs
This training is funded through Erasmus+, so your travel costs (within Europe) can be reimbursed up to a certain amount:
for distances between 10 and 99 KM: 28 EUR (56 EUR if you choose a "green" travel option, i.e. use low-emission means of transport such as bus, train or carpooling)
for distances between 100 and 499 KM: 211 EUR (285 EUR for "green" travelling, see above)
for distances between 500 and 1999 km: 309 EUR (417 EUR for "green" travelling, see above)
for distances between 2000 and 2999 km: 395 EUR (535 EUR for "green" travelling, see above)
Register now!
Here you can register for the training.
This training is open to all young people from all EU member countries, the EFTA countries (Norway, Liechtenstein, Iceland) and the accession candidates (Serbia, North Macedonia and Turkey).
We are happy to answer any questions you may have about training in Kell am See:
Telephone: +49 711 649 02 63